They feed on insects and spiders
during the breeding season, the tits prefer to feed on protein rich caterpillars to there young
for more information on the great tits click here
Blue tit - Cosmopolitan foragers
The yellowness of a male blue tits breast is an indication of the number of yellow-green caterpillars he has eaten, and a brighter breast is more attractive to the females.
Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs

Curiously, its typically the females that migrate as the males prefer to remain in northern Europe.

They have an appetite for the buds of fruit trees
and can can cause severe damage.
This problem was so serious that at one time they were
trapped. With bullfinch numbers declining in recent year,this can now only be done with a licence.
Green Wood Pecker- Picus viridis
One of there favourite foods is ants
they return day after day to their favourite ant hill
I saw a green woodpecker today eating our grapes