Sunday 5 July 2015

List of snakes in Bulgaria

I have made a site with information on every single reptile species in Bulgaria /

1. Javelin sand boa (Eryx jaculus)  - Non venomous specie

2. Smooth snake (Coronella austriaca)  - Non venomous specie

3.  Caspian whip snake( Dolichophis caspius) -  Non venomous specie but looks similar to the Montpellier snake that is very venomous and it also lives in Bulgaria

4.  Four lined snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata) - Non venomous specie personally one of my favourite snakes in Bulgaria, but I still haven't seen one.

5. Blotched snake (Elaphe sauromates) - Non venomous specie, haven't seen one yet.

6. Montpellier snake ( Malpolon monspessulanus) - Venomous snake, but it is very rare here in Bulgaria

7.  Grass snake (Natrix natrix) - Non venomous species very common here in Bulgaria. They spend most of the time in or around water where they can eat frogs

8. Dice snake ( Natrix tessellata) - Non venomous species seen it twice click here for more info on this snake

9. Red whip snakePlatyceps collaris)- Non venomous species looks allot like the Dahl's whip snake which also lives in bulgaria, also non venomous

10. Dahl's whip snakePlatyceps najadum) - Non venomous species see if you can spot the difference to the red whip snake!


11. European cat snake (Telescopus fallax) - This is a highly venomous snake, but very pretty.  I've never seen one but really want to :)

12. Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus)- Non venomous very, very common.  I've seen lots this year they have bitten a few times as well. They can grow up to 2 m long!!! The baby snakes look a alike to the grass snake, Natrix natrix

13. European rat snake (Zamenis situla) - Non venomous species lives near the black sea!

14. Worm snake (Typhlops vermicularis) - Non venomous species, it is blind I really want to see one they look like worm DUUUUUUUUUUU.

15.  Horned nosed viper (Vipera ammodytes)- The most venomous snake in Europe and I have seen it twice!! it is definitely my favourite snake in Bulgaria, apparently the horn on its head is soft and flexible!!!

16. Adder (Vipera berus) - Venomous snake only seen it once or twice they are very amazing snakes.

Thanks for reading my blog!!

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  1. Hello. I found my cat playing with a very small snake the other day. My camera was to hand so I took a photo, but it doesn't seem to correspond to any of the species in your blog. It has a very particular pattern of colour. If you are interested, I could email you the photo if you have an email address. Please reply to (gilessteve at hot mail dot com) Thank you.

    1. I would love to see it!, Sorry I didn't reply faster, for some reason it didn't show me your commment ;)

      My email is
