Sunday 26 July 2015

Introducing my new lab

My Grandad asked me if I would like to have a lab in his very old garden shed, I excitedly said "YES!" He said it would be ready when I came to England (this conversation was on Skype). When I got to England the first thing I did was check out the shed. I opened the door and looked inside - I was in shock. It was so clean and for once it smelt alright ;) This is what I saw.

Our lab!!!!!
3 incredible microscopes all different types one of them looks at the surface of things, second one look through things, third one is the same as the second one but it is a binocular which is my favourite one. It is the strongest one. When you look at something under it you will be able to see the details in cells!!!!!
My Grandad and I are going to run a blood test and we will be able to see our red blood cells.  I will blog about our findings next week.

Some of the equipment 

1 comment:

  1. That's great, can't wait to hear about your observations. xx
