Monday 26 October 2015

The Most Dangerous Animals In The World

Hello, I wanted to know what the 10 most dangerous animals in world, here's what I found out.

10 - Stone fish - Synanceia verrucosa
The stone fish is the most Poisonous fish in the world.It lives on reef bottoms camouflaged as a rock. It eats, small fish and shrimps.

9 - Hyena - Hyaenidae sp. 
Hyenas rarely kill humans, only when their really hungry, Hyenas hunt in packs, they can kill and eat a zebra in half an hour, nothing of the animal would be left.   

8 - Puffer fish - Tetraodontidae sp.
They may look cute, but you wouldn't want to get pricked by them. When they feel threatened they will puff out their protruding spines. The venom from their spines can paralyze you, causing you to stop breathing, resulting death.


7 - Deathstalker scorpion - Leiurus quinquestriatus
The deathstalker is the most venomous scorpion in the world, if stung it would extremely hurt so whoever did or does get stung and survives are going to wish they had died. Healthy adults will most likely survive if stung but children and elderly are at a much larger risk!

6 - Siafu ants - Dorylus gribodoi
These ants come in swarms of up to 50,000,000 and if you step on one of these ants whilst you are playing or going for a walk you will pay the price because all the other 50,000,000 ants will come after you!!!! The ones that manage to get you will be very very hard to get of!!

5 - African buffalo - Syncerus caffer
If threatened these animals will charge at anything and not stop until it is satisfied the predator has gone, if they deiced to chase a man, the buffalo will not stop even if it has been shot in the heart.They have also been known to chase lions.

4 -  Black mamba - Dendroaspis polylepis
The black mamba is one of the most venomous snakes in the world It will chase its food at unbelievable speed, It also strikes very fast.
The average size is around 3 meters (fully grown) but have also been known to grow to 4.5 meters!!!!!!!

3 - Cone snail - Conus sp.
One drop of its venom can kill 20 fully grown men!!! There are over 800 species of cone snails.
There main diets are: Marine worms, Small fish, Mollusks and even other Cone snails. When the smaller cone snails sting they are as painful as a wasp sting. There have been 15 human deaths because of this snail.

2 - Blue ringed octopus - Hapalochlaena sp.
When the octopus is threatened it will glow 50 to 60 light blue circles on its body! They hunt crabs and shrimps, If they manage to catch small fish they will eat them too. First it will inject its venom into the food which will paralyze it and then it will uses it's horny beak to crack open the crabs shell.

1- Box jelly fish - Chironex sp.
Box jelly fish are the most venom's animals on the world !In Australia there have been 60 deaths If you get stung by these animals you are most likely going to die and if not then in terrible pain for a very long time

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Sunday 18 October 2015

Mushroom Hunting In The Balkans

My dad and I went mushroom hunting up in the Balkans, mainly looking for Parasols. We drove up to a point and then started to walk up in to the mountains. On the way we noticed that it was very damp, and that there was a lot of leaf litter, a perfect environment for fire salamanders. We weren't disappointed. All together we saw four fire salamanders. Probably the most exiting find was when we saw a fire salamander climb a dead tree trunk to get into a big hole on the top of the tree trunk. It was going into hibernation. We have it all on video. Here is a tiny piece of the video, I plan to make a full video of the trip and upload it on to this post in a weeks time! For now this is what I will show you

Hope you liked it!

After we saw that fire salamander we found three or four parasol mushrooms, then we found another two fire salamanders together on the middle of the track. It looked like one of them was pregnant (almost 100% sure)   because it was extremely fat and it was very, very scared. It took it ten seconds to disappear, the other one only a minute. In addition, I took some good footage of these two fire salamanders. They will be included in my forthcoming video. The next interesting thing we found was a panther cap mushroom, which is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in Europe, but very attractive. That will also be included in the video.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Barn owls

Barn owls are my favourite bird!

 Barn owls are found everywhere around the world except polar and desert regions.
 Most barn owls are around 33 to 39 cm. (wing span ranging from 80 to 95 cm).
The face is characteristically heart-shaped and is white in most species.
This owl does not hoot, it utters an eerie, drawn -out shriek.
It is normally nocturnal but in some places such as England and some pacific islands, it also hunts in the day. They mate for life unless one of the pair gets killed, when a new pair may be formed.
Their main diet in Europe is shrews and mice, but occasionally they eat rats,geckos and other animals. Their predators are: Large American opossums, common raccoon, eagles, hawks and even other owls! Captive barn owls will live 8-10  years, as for wild barn owls much shorter 4-5 years.


Sunday 4 October 2015

Blue throat

Here is a video I took of a Blue throat

Blue throats are one of my favourite birds, because of their amazing colouration. They got their name because of the colour on their throats (blue). The blue throat is a similar size to a European robin (13-14 cm).  Females don't have as strong a blue colour on their throats as the males do. Juveniles are freckled and spotted (the blue colour develops the older they get).  Their main diet is insects but they also eat fruit and seeds. The female will only lay 5-6 eggs and it will take 14-15 days for them to hatch. There are no Blue throats in England!!