Wednesday 24 February 2016

Five Common Garden Insect Pests

1. Aphids- Ahpididae sp.

They are among the most destructive insect pests on cultivated plants. About 4,400 species are known, all included in the family Ahpididae.
250 species are very harmful pests for agriculture and forestry as well as gardeners. Aphids are ladybug's favourite food. If you have any ladybugs I recommend you place them where the aphids are.

2. Large white - Pieris brassicae

The large white is common throughout Europe,
 North Africa, Asia and even through the Himalayas. They are often found in agricultural areas, meadows and parkland. The large white eggs appear as a pale yellow colour. Their wing span reaches 5 to 7 cm on average.


 3. Whiteflies - Aleyrodidae sp.

There a more than 1500 species of whiteflies.
They are small hemipterans that typically feed     on undersides of plant leaves. The stage before     the adult is called a pupa. Though it shares little in common with the pupal stage.            

4. Garden snail - Cornu aspersum

Garden snails are one of the most common species of snails. The snail is relished as a food item in some areas, but is also widely regarded as a pest in gardens. You normally see them after a shower or a storm. The female lays around
80 pearly-white eggs. You normally find them under damp logs, or in the soil.

5. Colorado potato beetles - Leptinotarsa decemlineata

It's annoying that these beetles are such pesky garden pests, as they are very pretty insects. They are stripped in a bright yellow and orange uniform. Their favourite plants to invade are: aubergines, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes. Signs of Colorado potato beetle infestations include ragged leaves and in serious cases tripped stems.

Check out my video of wildlife in February

Monday 15 February 2016

Ladybug Update

Whilst observing the ladybug tank I noticed there was condensation all over the glass walls and there was also quit a bit of mold on the leafs and sticks. I read on the internet that ladybugs don't like damp environments. Immediately I removed all wet items that where in the tank: plants and wet soil. After I had removed the wet objects I decided whilst I was at it I might as well remove all the items and add new ones in. A couple of the objects, such as the pieces of bark with holes in them and hollowed out sticks had ladybugs bundled together already hibernating. I intend to keep a eye on the tank, to insure it doesn't happen again.
A few of my lady bugs

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Five Rarest Animals On Earth

5 - Philippine Warty Pig - Sus philippensis    

There are only a couple of  hundred left in the wild. It was formerly found in habitats from sea level up to 2800 metres, but is now confined to remote forests due to loss of habitat and heavy hunting by noose traps or trigger set bullets.


4 - Florida Panther - Puma concolor

In the 1970's there were estimated to be 20 Florida Panthers in the wild, and their numbers have increased to an estimated 100 to 160. In 2013, it was reported that there were only 160 left in the wild. They live in forests and swaps of southern Florida.  Their main diet is: hares, mice, white tailed dear, wild boar and even the American alligator.

3 - White lion - Panther leokrugeri

Not seen in the wild since 1994, these lions
are not albinos and are native to the Timbavati
region of Africa. It is widely believed that
these lions cannot survive in the wild.

2 - Snow leapord -   Panthera unica

A very rare sight in the wild, when two snow leopard cubs were photographed in the mountains of Tajikistan, last year it got
a lot of media attention. There are between 3,920 and 6,390 individuals in the wild. Snow leopards are slightly smaller than any other big cats.

1 - Giant squid - genus Architeuthis

The first video of this legendary creature was recently taken by Japanese scientists nearly a kilometer below the surface of the ocean. Recent estimates put the maximum size at a humongous 13 m for females and 10 m for males.


Please check out my new video :)

Sunday 7 February 2016

Pine Processionary Caterpillers Marching

Whilst my uncle,cousin,friend and I went for a walk we came across to some squished Pine Processionary Caterpillars (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) which is unusual in February as they should still be in their nests. There were at least sixty,which was very exiting for me as I have never seen them before.

We walked a little more on when my cousin shouted out 'LOOK THEY ARE ALIVE'. I ran to them and saw one of the most amazing things I have ever seen, they were marching in a straight line. My dad and I have been longing to see them marching ever since we learn't about them a few years ago.
To see my previous post about these caterpillars click here

Unfortunately my dad wasn't with us, and what was worse I didn't have my camera!!! So I ran home to get my dad and the camera.
Me and my dad drove back to the place and got some video of the caterpillars marching.
The more we looked the more we found, some of them had been squished and some of the marching lines went deep back into the forest.
A couple of days later we coming back from bowling when we saw a nest of these caterpillars on a short pine tree it was easy to take off. When you see them up close they look huge!

 Here is a video I made

If you like the video please leave a like ;)