Sunday 29 January 2017

The Most Venomous Snakes In The World

4. Black mamba - Dendroaspis polylepis

The Black mamba Is Africa's largest venomous snake, It is also the fastest snake in the world. It is also the 2nd largest snake in the world! They kill around 10,000 people are year! And are highly aggressive when threatened. They can grow up to 4 meters long!

3. Blue Krait - Bungarus candidus

The Blue krait is one of the most venomous snakes in the world, It loves to eat other snakes!
Believe it or not, one bite from this snake is enough to kill you! Apparently it's venom is 15 times deadlier then the Cobra's. 50% of the bites from this snake are fatal even with the antivenin!

2 . Eastern Brown Snake - Pseudonaja textilis

This snake is considered the 2nd most venomous snake in the world, The Eastern brown snake is responsible for 60% of deaths caused by snake bites in Australia. It feeds on: Frogs, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals.

1. Inland Taipan - Oxyuranus microlepidotus

The Inland Taipan is the most venomous snake in the world! One bite can kill 100 grown men!
It only eats mammals, it's favorite thing to eat is a rat.  

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Thursday 26 January 2017

Beautiful Footage Of A Balkan Green Lizard

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Monday 9 January 2017

Ten Facts About Fire Salamanders

1. Fire salamanders have an extremely long life span, one specimen lived for more then 50 years in a    German natural history museum!

2. Fire Salamanders are amphibians that look like a cross between a frog and a lizard.

3. Salamanders live all around the world but the United states has the largest number of different salamander families.

4.  Fire Salamanders are nocturnal animals, and love to go out searching for slugs after it has rained.

5. Female Fire salamanders are a lot bigger then males, and sometimes they can grow up to twice the size of a male!

6.There is an old European legend saying that these salamanders are capable of tolerating fire. People   believed that salamanders in general had the ability to withstand fire as they were often seen  crawling out of logs that were put onto the fire!

7. The Fire salamander is one of the only salamanders that gives birth to larvae and not eggs.

8. As Fire salamanders grow, they will shed their old skin and eat it!

9. Fire salamanders eat: Slugs, Spiders, Insects, Earth worms, Small frogs and sometimes baby frogs

10. Some times, when the salamanders felt threatened they will let out a poisonous liquid that can kill a small mammal!