Thursday 16 February 2017

The Rarest Insects In The World

3. Panda ant - Euspinolia militaris

The panda ant isn't actually an ant, it's a wasp!
Although it looks cute,it's sting is extremely painful. It has been known to kill animals up to two pounds with just 6 stings! These Insects are mainly found around Chile and Mexico.

2. Vampire Spider -  Atrax sutherlandi

The Vampire spider, is the rarest spider alive, it only lives in Australia.They live in a underground tunnel waiting for anything smaller then it's
self to fall in!

1. Tree Lobster - Dryococelus australis

Scientists believed this bug was extinct in the 1920's,but they have recently discovered them again. They are found between New Zealand and Australia, The Tree lobster is so rare that scientist are trying to breed more then 10,000 of this specific bug!  

Sunday 5 February 2017

Largest Snakes In The World

1. Green Anaconda - Eunectes murinus

The Green anaconda Is a non-venomous Boa species, found in south America. It is one of the heaviest and one of the longest snakes in the world, growing up to 6 meters long, males are much smaller and only grow to 4 meters. The heaviest Green anaconda recorded was 227 kg!! and 8.8 meters long! Most of there time is spent in the water hunting for food such as: Fish, Birds, Wild pigs, and sometimes caimans -Reptiles similar to crocodiles!! They have also been known to eat jaguars!!!

2.  Burmese Python - Python bivittatus

The Burmese python Is a non-venomous snake. It grows up to 7 meters long! They also spend a lot of there time in water, and can stay submerged for up to 30 minutes before surfacing for air. They mainly feed on birds and small mammals. Females usually lay up to 100 eggs which they incubate for two or three months.

3. Reticulated Python - Python reticulatus

The Reticulated Python is by far the largest snake in the world growing up to 9-10 meters long! It is also a non-venomous species, Females are larger then males.They have been known to eat people! They love to eat: Pigs, Deer and Birds. At breeding time the females lay around 80 eggs. They are well known for hanging around water.

4. African Rock Python - Python sebae

This Is Africa's largest snake growing up to 7 meters long, It is a non-venomous specie.
They love to eat: Monkeys, Antelopes, Fruit bats, Monitor lizards and even Crocodiles!!
This snake has also been known to eat people! They live around 12 years and even longer in captivity! It also likes being around the water and will spend most of it's time by a lake or river.

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