Wednesday 4 June 2014

My coolest school trip ever

At first we got on the bus at 7:00am and started our long 5 hour trip to a zoo park. As soon as we got to the zoo park, my friends and I went running in to see the animals. The first animals we saw were the bears.  I felt sorry for them 'cause they were in a cage. Then we saw the leopards and the tigers they were very beautiful.  After that we went to see the birds and the monkeys but unfortunately the monkeys weren't there ; At last we went to see my favorite animals which are the REPTILES. We saw some HUGE pythons there and some lizards. After we left the zoo we went to a beautiful church and ate doughnuts. I found a dead baby grass snake someone had chopped its head off ;( The next few stops were really boring. Finally, we got to the hotel and man, did it look awesome! My friend and I went into our hotel room which was as great as we thought it would be. We got dressed up to go to dinner.   I ate 3 slices of chicken and some potatoes (which were really tasty). Next thing I did was go and play pool with some friends and the team I was in lost because my friend potted the black ball in the hole!!! Afterwards, we had a disco party. We went up stairs to our rooms and my friend and I watched a scary movie until12:00am then we went to bed because we had to be up at 6:00am. So we got up at 6:00am and went to have breakfast. Before we went to the bus my friends and I played hide and seek which was fun because it was a huge hotel. We got on the bus and went straight to MacDonald which was 3 hours away. As soon as we got there, I bought 2 mac chicken burgers which were really tasty. We got back from the trip around 9pm and I said goodbye to my friends because I wasn't going to see them for 3 months. I  said goodbye and then I got in the car and drove home.

Alexander Nevski church in Sofia. My friend Gaby took the photo.

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