Sunday 3 August 2014

were scared of jellyfish

We went to the black sea for 3 days with my cousin, we slept in a guest house that had a pool in it :) As soon as we got to the guest house my cousin brother and I  went to have swim in the swimming pool witch had allot of chlorine in it, we stayed in the pool for about an hour and then went up in our room to sleep

We got up had some breakfast and went to the beach when we got to the beach we ran in the sea and swam for about an 1 hour when my mum came in the sea and said she saw a jellyfish  we ran out the sea like baby's and waited until it went after about 10 mins of waiting it finally went and we went back in the sea, we were still very scared and keeping a good look out for jellyfish we saw 3 more, 2 small ones and one big one. We got back to our guest house and went for a swim in the pool again we played in the pool for half an hour then we got out to play on our tablets, after we played on our tablets we went to bed 


We got up, ate donuts for breakfast ;) and went back to the sea, this time the sea was really ruff but fun we jumped and dived in the huge waves and then we went on our 4 hour journey back home

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