Sunday 7 December 2014

Decorating Our Christmas Tree

My Mum, brother and I went for a walk in the forest. I was looking for another Fire salamander,  my Mum wanted to get spring water and look for a small Christmas tree. In one of my previous posts I wrote about the big storm we experienced here in the Balkan mountains, click here to read about it. So anyway,  my mum thought it would be good to cut the top off one of the trees that fell in the storm.  When we got to the forest my brother and I started to play hide and seek then my mum said we had to go - she had found a fallen tree and cut the very top from it. When we got home we decorated the tree it  looked really good.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Night life on the Streets of Shipka

My brother and I were going to make a video on the streets at night. As soon as I went out onto the street, I saw 4 or 5 locusts which were gigantic. My brother also found a green toad which he gave to me and it started to release some kind of liquid that smelt like dung and urine mixed together, it reeked! We were just about to start our video, when a female horn beetle flew into my brother's hair. He started screaming and shaking his head!  After about 2 minutes of screaming he finally shook it off. We were going home when I found a huge millipede.  I picked it up and it smelt of rotten eggs!! As soon as I got home I washed my hands and ate my dinner :)

Here is some information about green toads:

European green toads will change their colour in response to heat and light changes.
Female toads are larger than male toads and can lay 9,000 to 15,000 eggs at a time.
The toads mainly eat crickets and caterpillars. 

Here is a picture my dad took of a green toad in Koprinka
Green toad