Saturday 31 January 2015

Facts About Great Tits

Great Tit Parus major
  • Great tits eat Spiders and Insects which are captured by foliage gleaning.
  • During the breeding season they like to feed protein-rich caterpillars to there young.
  • Great tits help to reduce caterpillars damage to apple orchards  by 50% .
  • In autumn and winter they add seeds and berries to there diet.
  • In England some of the Great tits know how to open foil caps of milk bottles.
  • In 2009 Great Tits were recorded to kill Bats!!!
  • These are the first song birds to be seen to kill Bats!!
  • Also these strange birds have been know to use a pin needle to get out grubs from a hole in a tree!!!!!! OMG

Here are some great tits  feeding from a bird feeders we made


We are going to put 10 bird boxes up and hopefully the great tits will nest in them.
Here is a picture of one of the bird feeders we going to get!

Our friend is making us some bird feeders


  1. Really cool blog Dylan, and much better than your Uncle Peter's (though don't tell him I said so)!
