Tuesday 11 November 2014

Winter Is Here

When I woke up one morning I saw there was lots of snow outside, I ran down side with excitement to find out that there was no internet or electricity ;(. We phoned the internet people and they said it won't come back for a week!!! So, then we decided to phone the electricity company they said it won't come back for 3 or 4 days. I said to myself, "WTH!? That means I can't charge my tablet and I can't play on it for 4 days!!!!" but then I went on to think that maybe I can get away with not going to school.   The snow was 1 metre in depth and there were quite a few snow blizzards. So just when I was thinking about not going to school, I heard mum say , " I don't think Dylan should go to school tomorrow " I felt like the most lucky man on earth.  At dinner, it felt as though we were living in the stone age because we cooked on our life saving fire.  We had spaghetti for dinner. That same night, every now and then there were huge blue flashes coming from the sky and apparently they were electrical surges due to damage caused by the blizzards.  The next morning we saw how much damage the storm had done, loads and loads of the trees had fallen down and when I say loads, I mean literately thousands of pine trees had snapped from the mountain!!!!!!! That was one of the worst storm I've seen, but it wasn't quite as bad winter 2012 when our roof fell off!!


  1. im glad a tree didnt fall on your house:o

  2. Wow ! There's something delicious about getting off school - especially when your Mum suggests it! You then don't feel guilty! Also great to go primitive sometimes just to be inventive and see how you cope.
    Liked last sentence - just when you think what an awful thing, it gets worse!!
