Friday 23 February 2018

Snakes In Bulgaria 2. Caspian Whip Snake - Dolichophis caspius

The Caspian Whip Snake Is the largest snake in Europe growing up to 2 meters long, the record size is 250cm!! It is a non - venomous specie but is also the most aggressive snake in Europe and will bite non stop until it's confident that you or whatever it felt threatened by is not going to harm it. I personally think they are one of the most beautiful snakes in the world, with their shining grey scales  red head and yellow underbelly. They are extremely good tree climbers and will often be sun basking on top of trees, last year me and my dad caught one at the beach, when we let it go it rushed to a tree and climbed up with extreme speed and skill. I made a video of the snakes I caught at the beach last year including the Caspian whip snake, I have put it at the bottom of this blog. They feed on small vertebrates such as: Lizards, birds, small mammals and other snakes! They breed at the end of May, the male grabs the females neck and puts hit tail around her. The female lays 6 to 12 eggs at the end of june. Males are larger then Females, and usually they have much larger heads then Females.

Here's the video of all the snakes I caught at the beach last year, including a Caspian whip snake

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