Saturday 31 August 2019

Snakes In Bulgaria 6. - Four-lined snake -

The species common name refers to the markings seen on the body of adult snakes, four dark stripes running across the body. They are non-venomous but can be aggressive and will bite if felt threatened. They are one of the largest snake species in Europe growing up to 180 cm long, sometimes but rarely they will grow up to 2 meters long. There main diet is small mammals, such as rabbits, mice and squirrels and sometimes will also feed on birds, lizards and eggs. They mate during late April to May, females lay the eggs in summer. They usually lay around 15 eggs per clutch, and will incubate them for 40-60 days! They favor areas with Mediterranean climate and are found in habitats such as: Stone walls, sparse woodland and deserted buildings. In the winter they will spend their time in deserted rodent holes!

   Check out my website about Bulgarian reptiles:

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